Related to Intelligent Design

  1. Scientific Standards: Does Religion Measure Up?

    Scientific Standards: Does Religion Measure Up?

    In memory of Gerry Hannant, who sadly passed away in 2010, we present the only known recording of one of his lectures, recorded in 2007 at Leeds Atheist Society.

  2. Talking to Creationists

    Talking to Creationists

    Mark Edon discusses how the tslk to people who believe that the world is only 6,000 years old, in the face of insumoutable evidence.

  3. Creationism


    Evolution is a topic which is accepted by not only the scientific community worldwide, but now pretty much everybody - including the Church of England and the Vatican!

  4. Creationism


    In this talk, delivered to Leeds Skeptics in the Pub, Mark Edon discusses how creationists in the UK have been trying to infiltrate our school system in order to push their religious ideology.