Chris Worfolk

His specalist areas in computer science are Web 2.0 and Artificial Intelligence.
Homeopathy is Hokum
Chris Worfolk presents an introduction to the field of homeopathy, an alternative medicine that claims to offer miraculous healing properties, but is unable to demonstrate them under double blind clinic trials.
Mental Health
Chris Worfolk presents a short summary of how mental health is an area that touches all our lives, and why we need to premote a more open dialogue in society about it.
The Singularity is Near?
In 1999 Ray Kurzweil published "The Singularity is Near" claiming that in 2045 artificial intelligence would surpass human intelligence and our society would enter into a period of exponential technological growth, changing the human race beyond all recognition.
Humanist Action Group
The Humanist Action Group is a volunteering organisation which runs several programmes, including homeless outreach.
Transhumanism & The Singularity
Chris Worfolk discusses the two different but very much related topics of Transhumanism and the technological singularity, commenting on the cult like figures which seem to dominate both fields and whether the ideas behind them are valid.
A History of Atheist Charity
People have often claimed that religious people are more generous when it comes to giving to charity. The stats don't hold up though - Sweden give the biggest percentage of their GDP to charity in the world; they're also one of the most irreligious nations.
Inside the Evangelists' Lair
In 2006, Chris Worfolk founded Leeds Atheist Society while studying at the University of Leeds. During his time running the society, he had a great deal of interaction with the other faith societies on campus.
The Atheist Responses
Chris Worfolk regularly discusses some of the most common arguments that come up when discussing religion and what the arguments and counter-arguments to these are. These can be seen in the "Debating the Theists" talk which can also be found in the collection.
Inside the Evangelists' Lair
In 2006, Chris Worfolk founded Leeds Atheist Society while studying at the University of Leeds. During his time running the society, he had a great deal of interaction with the other faith societies on campus.