Related to Thinking About Ethics

  1. What is Humanism?

    What is Humanism?

    What do we mean by Humanism? What does it mean for how we live our lives? And what is the role of the Humanist movement?

  2. Learning From Monks

    Learning From Monks

    Julian has spent several days visiting and staying at monastries researching a forthcoming article for the Financial Times magazine. He and his partner were asking the question. does monastic life contain any lessons from the secular world? In this talk, he discusses his conclusions.

  3. A History of Atheist Charity

    A History of Atheist Charity

    People have often claimed that religious people are more generous when it comes to giving to charity. The stats don't hold up though - Sweden give the biggest percentage of their GDP to charity in the world; they're also one of the most irreligious nations.