Reason Week 2011

  1. Humanist Chaplains: For and Against

    Humanist Chaplains: For and Against

    The idea of Humanist Chaplains has been a poloarising issue within the non-religious community. In this debate, recorded as the Swarthmore Centre, as part of Leeds Reason Week 2011, sees Dr Paul Dean and Dr Gijsbert Stoet put the arguments for and against Humanist Chaplaincy.

  2. Thinking About Ethics

    Thinking About Ethics

    As part of Reason Week 2011, Leeds Atheist Society invited Andrew Copson to take part in a debate against a speaker from the Islamic Society. Unfortunately, ISoc pulled out at the last minute, leaving Andrew as the sole speaker. Never the less, in less than a day, Andrew managed to put together this fantastic talk on thinking about ethics.

  3. Religion as a Human Creation

    Religion as a Human Creation

    Over the past century, there has been a steep decline in religious adherence. However, some groups, including many Quakers, Universalists, Humanists and even Anglicans have continued to find benefit from religion, despite discarding their belief in a god.

  4. Creationism


    Evolution is a topic which is accepted by not only the scientific community worldwide, but now pretty much everybody - including the Church of England and the Vatican!

  5. Cutting Religion out of Medicine

    Cutting Religion out of Medicine

    Recorded as part of Leeds Reason Week 2011, Dr Antony Lempert, coordinator of the Secular Medical Forum, discusses the problems encountered when religious beliefs come into conflict with modern medicine.